
Herbal Medicine Consultations

An initial consultation lasts approximately 60-90 minutes in length. It involves an in-depth discussion of your health concerns and health history, as well as family history, lifestyle, diet and nutrition, and emotional and spiritual well-being. If appropriate, some physical exams will be performed such as blood pressure and pulse and tongue diagnosis. This allows us to come up with a personalized health plan for you with advice on diet, lifestyle, and supplementation. A custom herbal formula or formulas will then be created for you and can be picked up (or shipped) in a couple of days. Herbal formulas are usually given in two week quantities. A typical two week formula is approximately 200ml of tincture and/or 50g of tea.

Follow-up consultations can last up to an hour and allows us to review any changes you have experienced since your last visit. It also allows us to discuss any new health concerns that may have come up. In some cases a formula may need to be adjusted or completely reformulated. Once an appropriate herbal formula regiment has been developed for you (usually after a couple of follow-up consultations), you can request refills of your formula(s) without needing to make an appointment. Once you have been on the same formula(s) for several months, it is important to come back in for a consultation to re-assess your progress.

An acute concern consultation is for when an existing client requires a new formula to be made up quickly for a minor/short-term condition, such as in the case of a common cold or flu, UTI, sprain/strain, etc. These can take place via phone. Acute consultations are for existing clients only.

New Client Information

After making your first appointment, a client intake-form will be sent to you via e-mail. Please fill this out and send it back prior to your appointment.

The length of treatment varies from person to person and condition to condition. In more minor or acute conditions, such as a cold or flu, you will notice an improvement within hours to days of taking the formulas. If you have been experiencing the health condition for a while, the typical rule in herbal medicine is to give one month of treatment for every year that you’ve had the condition. In more serious cases such as autoimmune disease, you may be looking at more long-term herbal support.

Telemedicine & Phone Consultations:

New clients - Telemedicine consults are available.

Returning clients - Both telemedicine and phone consultations are available.

Cancellation Policy:

My time is valuable and limited, and missed appointments take away from other's being able to book in with me. Appointments cancelled within a 24 hour period will be charged a fee of $40.00 CAD. No-shows will be charged the full consultation fee.


Initial consult (up to 90min): $150.00
Follow-up consults (up to 60min): $95.00
Acute concerns* (5-10min): $25.00 
​*for existing clients only

Flower Essence consult** (up to 60 min): $75 **includes 15ml flower essence medicine water


25ml - $10.50
50ml - $16.50
100ml - $30.00
200ml - $54.00 

25gm - $9.50
50gm - $16.00
100gm - $28.00

50 - $16.00
100 - $26.00

25ml - $20.00 + PST
50ml - $32.00 + PST
​120ml - $60.00 + PST

Pricing depends on size and ingredients used + PST

Massage Oils:
Pricing depends on size and ingredients used + PST

Flower Essence Medicine Water:
15ml - $15.00

Essential Oil Blends:
Pricing depends on size and ingredients used​ + PST

Please note that due to Health Canada regulations, I am unable to dispense to anyone without an initial consultation.

Prices are subject to change without notice.

GST is not currently charged on any services or products, but is subject to change.

Herbal Medicine is not covered by MSP, however it may by some extended health plans. Check with your provider for more information.